Trans Mentor

Introducator venos arterial cu valva hemostatica - Trans Mentor

FB Medical - ISO Med

Introducator venos arterial cu valva hemostatica

ISOMed Arterial Introducers allow smooth catheter insertion and manipulation. They are equipped with a high performance silicone haemostatis valve that prevents blood reflux and air aspiration.
The dilatator has long rounded tip for atraumatic insertion. The taper from the dilatator to the sheath is precise and smooth, allowing easy sheath introduction. The dilatator locks into the valve assuring insertion without leakage.
Supplied in a sterile (ethylene oxide), blister pack with a J guidewire 0.035″x45cm and a puncture needle 18G x 75mm.
Individual puncture needles, dilatators and sheaths in different diameter and length are available upon request.

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